This branch of our family left Nova Scotia

and settled in western Pennsylvania. 
Our lists of names are just that, the list of names that we
compiled while doing our research.  We'd be happy to share
any information we have.  You only need to contact us. 

Copyright© Calderara Universe

Welcome to​ Calderara Universe

The story continues and I am still fooling around trying to figure out how to get our GEDCOM files to be easily shareable. I'll get it one of these days. Thank you for your patience.

John E. Nelson

Miller and Nelson genealogy discontinued Family Tree Maker in December of 2015. They will support the software through 2017 but, as of today they still have not confirmed any specific brand or product to use as a direct replacement.

I have tried using but, my files have almost maxed out what they offer with the free trial. I am currently attempting to upload files to but, that process is taking forever! It appears that I will be purchasing RootsMagic software so that I will have a current resource for my files. 

If you've found a good genealogy software, please let me know.

​Clarke's Heavenly Blue morning glory


        family names